It’s been a very busy spring and summer around Schaeffer
Show Cattle this year and we quickly find ourselves spending long hours and
late nights in the show barn preparing fifty-two calves for the 2015
Schaeffer/Tice Pasture Sale. We’ve already put a lot of thought into this years
set and we’re excited to offer them to you!
Pictures have gone up on the Schaeffer Show Cattle webpage (
www.schaeffersimmentals). You can
find information under the ‘For Sale’ tab.
We will be posting the remaining pictures and
videos on all cattle on the website in the next few weeks. Bids close this year
at 6:00 pm Sunday, September 13
th. We will then phone bid them off
starting with the highest bid on the bid board. We will post once daily updates
of the bid board through the blog. As it gets closer to September 13
we will update more than once a day.
Our barn is open and cattle are available for viewing. If
you should have any questions, would like to discuss the cattle further, or
need to make arrangements for viewing the cattle please feel free to contact
Tim Schaeffer or Kyle Lemmon.
We’ve come off one of the best years we could imagine in the
show ring and we have our customers to thank. We have really enjoyed our
customer families that have become such close friends. We would like to thank
you for believing in our program each year and the hard work that you put into
your investments.
We would like to take the time to say how much we appreciate
our parents. They have supported us from the beginning and we have them to
thank for our success.
We would also like to take the time to introduce some new and
reintroduce some old faces at Schaeffer Show Cattle. When you come see the set
we have to offer this year you’ll understand how much time this group of people
have put into the cattle. We cannot thank them enough for all the work they
have already put into this operation. These people have become part of our close-knit
family and we appreciate their efforts at Schaeffer Show Cattle.
Kyle Lemmon-
Kyle will be taking over as show barn manager at Schaeffer
Show Cattle. He joined us at the beginning of August full-time, however Kyle
has been part of the team at many of the shows. Kyle has made the big move from
Manchester, Maryland to Hagerstown, Indiana. Kyle grew up showing Hereford cattle and continues to run 20 head of Herefords. Kyle has exhibited the National Champion Hereford Heifer, the Supreme Champion Female at the Maryland State Fair, the Houston Champion Hereford Heifer, and has received the top 10 honors in Hereford Showmanship. We are excited to have Kyle as part of Schaeffer Show Cattle. Kyle-443.821.5069
Zach Pegg-
Zach has worked for Schaeffer Show Cattle during the sale and at many shows over the years. Zach will as well be joining the team full time and we are excited to have him around more often.
Zach- 765.546.8784

Tyler Dawson-
Tyler is from Rushville, Indiana and is a summer intern at Schaeffer Show Cattle. Tyler currently attends Western Illinois University in Macomb and is studying Ag Business and Animal Chiropractics. Tyler plans to pursue a career in pharmaceutical sales/animal chiropractics and continue to raise show cattle on his family operation.
Aaron Post-
Aaron is a summer intern at Schaeffer Show Cattle. Aaron
currently attends The Ohio State University-ATI in Wooster, Ohio studying
Animal Science and Ag Business. Aaron has shown cattle and hogs at the county
fair, through the BEST program, and at the junior national level.

Jeff Pegg-
Jeff has been part of the sale and show team for many years.
Jeff is the mold that holds all of us together in the craziest and busiest of times
(and we all know what kind of job that is)!
Nate Tice- Tim and Nate grew up together in Pennsylvania. They have worked on cattle together since they were kids with big dreams. Nate has been a business partner since we started our pasture sales in Indiana.
From the entire Schaeffer Family we hope to see you before
September 13th!
Tim- 765.541.0738